- Agawam
- Agawam Town
- Amostown
- Ashleyville
- Baptist Village
- Blanchardville
- Blandford
- Brimfield
- Butlerville
- Camp Berkshire
- Camp Spruce Hill
- Camp Woronoak
- Cayenne
- Chester
- Chester Center
- Chicopee
- Colton Hollow
- Congamond
- Crescent Mills
- Dayville
- Dingley Dell
- Duckville
- East Brimfield
- East Farms
- East Forest Park
- East Longmeadow
- East Wilbraham
- Feeding Hills
- Fentonville
- Fiberloid
- Granville
- Granville Center
- Hampden
- Holland
- Holyoke
- Ingleside
- Liberty Heights
- Little Rest
- Littleville
- Longmeadow
- Ludlow
- Ludlow Center
- Ludlow City
- McKnight and Bay
- Merrick
- Mittineague
- Monson
- Monson Center
- Montgomery
- Mountain Park
- North Agawam
- North Blandford
- North Chester
- North End
- North Monson
- North Wilbraham
- Old Hill
- Palmer
- Palmer Town
- Red Bridge
- Russell
- Skyland
- South End
- South Factory Village
- South Monson
- South Quarter
- Southwick
- Springfield
- Springfield Boys Camp
- Springfield Girls Camp
- Tatham
- Tenneyville
- The X
- Thorndike
- Three Rivers
- Tolland
- Tolland Center
- Upper Hill
- Vining Hill
- Wales
- West Agawam
- West Brimfield
- West Farms
- West Granville
- West Springfield
- West Springfield Town
- Westfield
- Whipples
- Wilbraham
- Woronoco
- Woronoco Heights